Sonu is 14 years old and harbours dreams of playing cricket professionally.She lives in Begampur, while her father supports the family by working as a security guard.
Sonu was a school drop-out, but resumed her education after Magic Bus convinced her of the benefits. Soon she got involved with the NGO and one day, her seniors took her along for a match. The very next day, she took her friends along and they started playing cricket regularly. As their sessions progressed, more and more children from the community joined in.
Soon Sonu learnt of The Muthoot Group’s “Dus Ki Toli” programme through the NGO and decided to take part. Her commendable hand eye coordination earned her a place amongst the lucky few who got to become the ball boys/girls for the Delhi Daredevils.
She is also very grateful that Muthoot Group has undertaken such an initiative and hopes that it will serve as an example for other corporates to get involved.