Newly constructed Computer Training Room handed over for education of 152 needy students in Zilla Parishad School Hingna, Isasani Nagpur, Maharashtra


Under the CSR Initiative of the Muthoot Group, ruins of old mid-day meal kitchen converted into computer class room. The Computer Training Room was handed over to Zilla Parishad School at Hingna Isasani, Nagpur, Maharashtra for the education of 152 needy students.

The activity was done in the presence of Mr. Madhup Gaur, Asst RM- Muthoot Finance, Nagpur Region; Mr. Rahul Khairkar, Branch Manager- Isasni, Muthoot Finance; Mr. Malvy Rajes, President- National Institute of Women, Child & Youth Development; Mr. Ashish Atalkar, Marketing Manager- Muthoot Finance; Ms Rohini Bhalerao, Coordinator- NIWCYD; Mr Ashray, Vice Principal- Zilla Parishad School; Miss Payal Nilambkar, Junior Teacher- Zilla Parishad School; Mr Devulkar, Coordinator- NIWCYD & Team CSR.
